Aviso de Salud Canadá: Posibles fibras metálicas en multivitaminicos y suplementos

Health Canada announced the recall of various brands of multivitamins and supplements due to fears that the products might contain dangerous metal fibers, a statement that has caused alarm among consumers who rely on these products to maintain their health.

The recall affects a wide range of multivitamins and supplements that are popular among Canadians, with Health Canada urging individuals who have purchased any of the affected products to immediately stop using them and return them to the place of purchase for a refund.

The decision to recall these products was made after Health Canada conducted a thorough investigation and found evidence suggesting that the multivitamins and supplements may contain metal fibers that could potentially harm consumers if ingested. The presence of these metal fibers poses a serious risk to public health, prompting Health Canada to take swift action to protect consumers.

Consumers who have purchased any of the recalled products are advised to check the list of affected brands and take the necessary steps to return them for a refund. Health Canada has also issued a warning to consumers to be cautious when purchasing multivitamins and supplements and to always check the ingredients list for any potential contaminants.

The recall of these multivitamins and supplements serves as a reminder of the importance of ensuring the safety and quality of health products that consumers rely on. Health Canada will continue to monitor the situation closely and take any necessary actions to protect the health and well-being of Canadians.

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